- How does it work?
- How much does it cost?
- When are the runs?
- What army do I bring?
- How exactly do I build these stacks?
- How do I know if I’m doing it right?
- Why all this emphasis on stacks?
- What about Heroes and Captains?
- What happens during the CP run?
- Dude, your math is wrong!
- Can't we do more runs?
- Where do I get more info?
How does it work?
- Everyone builds the same army
- We all send our armies as reinforcements to the host city
- The host city uses our armies to attack a player in a sister clan
- We repeat this 10 times
- We all get CP, Yay!
How much does it cost?
It takes a lot of silver to train and revive the troops that we kill. To cover these costs, each player is expected to pay silver to the defender in proportion to the amount of CP earned.
The current cost is 2M silver per 1B CP earned.
Immediately after the run we will post a link to the player who is to receive the silver. DO NOT SEND SILVER IF THE PLAYER DOES NOT HAVE A SHIELD. Wait until they announce in the chat that it is safe to send payment.
Once you have paid the cost, post in the CP Run Chat the amount of CP you earned and the amount of silver sent.
When are the runs?
Pay attention to clan announcements. We will publish the times of upcoming events and the size of the stacks to build.
Typically we will try to organise two runs per cycle, with one of them being during the Ruthless Slaughter (silver revival) event.
The second run will be during the Clash for the Throne (CoT) event. If you drop your shield before the event, the CP you earn during the run will count towards the CoT leaderboard. The top 100 players on the board earn the title Senator which confers a 25% bonus to XP & VP for 10 days and voting rights in the Senate. You really want to participate in this event, both for the title, and so that our clan has a say in how our kingdom is run through the votes we cast for King.
Remember that as long as you are in the top 100 during CoT you cannot raise a shield, so if you are going for the Senator title, remember to play smart and keep your RSS and silver levels low, and park your troops in a clan fort when you're not actively playing.
What army do I bring?
Build your army according to the the guidelines for the event. If the event calls for health stacks of 15M then make sure that no stack exceeds that number.
We have pre-calculated all the numbers for you to make things easier and have published them in a spreadsheet you can refer to.
DO NOT DO YOUR OWN MATH! The numbers in the spreadsheet have been rounded off to make them easier to work with, and easier for leadership to review when checking your stacks.
Stick to the exact numbers published in the sheet. Do not bring more than the allowed amount for any type of troop.
How exactly do I build these stacks?
Get a copy of the CP Run spreadsheet:
If you can't open a Google Doc, then try this page:
Select the sheet that corresponds to the stack size for the event.
Train up stacks of troops according to the published numbers. Bring as many stacks as your leadership allows, starting with your strongest guardsmen and working your way down. Be sure to bring specialists, who have a bonus when fighting other players.
If you cannot bring all troop types for a given level, then start with the ranged units (archers) as they have a bonus against the flying units that we will be attacking. Archers will score more points than other troop types.
How do I know if I’m doing it right?
You can send your troops to any fort as reinforcements. Once there, anyone can see your army and check that your stacks are correct. Ask in the chat for someone to look over your troops.
If you are unsure about your stacking, have another player check your stacks at least 30 minutes before the event starts. This will give you time to make adjustments if needed.
As an added advantage, when it is time to reinforce the host city, that same configuration will be preselected for you, so all you have to do is hit send.
Why all this emphasis on stacks?
First, it’s better for you. If your stacks are too large, they will be killed by the defenders who target the stack with the highest number of health points. The whole point of these CP runs is to gain points without suffering losses.
Second, it’s unfair to your teammates. Larger stacks will kill more defenders and take more than their fair share of the available points. That means less CP for everyone else, so you’re harming everyone’s growth that way.
Stick to the exact numbers published in the sheets. Players with stacks that are too large will be sent back. Repeat offenders will be barred from participating in the next CP run.
What about Heroes and Captains?
Bring these captains wearing their best armor and artifacts:
- Your Hero
- Dustan (required)
- Amanitore (required)
- Your strongest fighting captain (Beo, Cleo, Skadi or Aydae)
What happens during the CP run?
All players must send their properly stacked army to a clan fort at least 30 minutes before the event starts. Latecomers will not be allowed to participate.
At 30 minutes before the start of the event, officers and superiors will begin to review your stacks for correct numbers and approve your participation.
Once all armies have been checked and approved, a portal will be opened near the host city. At that point you can send your army as reinforcements.
When the event starts, the player controlling the host city will attack the defender’s city. The defender will revive the troops that were killed and replace the 25% that died permanently. They may also make adjustments to the number of defenders based on the results of the previous run. This process will be repeated about 10 times. A full run should take no more than 15-20 minutes to complete.
If you choose to recall your troops before the run ends, you must announce this in the chat. The defender may need to reduce the number of troops to account for the smaller attacking force in order to maintain acceptable losses on the attacking side.
Do not leave the run to repair armor. The difference this will make to your score is minimal and it's not worth the time it takes. Once the event begins we try to complete 10 runs as quickly as possible, because we are vulnerable to attack while our portals are open and cities unshielded. If you leave the host city will not wait for you to return.
Dude, your math is wrong!
No, it’s not.
The numbers in the published sheets were chosen deliberately.
We have chosen nice round numbers that are easy to remember and easy for officers and superiors to evaluate when approving your stacks. The actual number of health points in any of these stacks could be +/- 1M of the stated target value.
The stacks have also been chosen such that the higher level stacks have more health points.
In each battle, the defenders don’t get eliminated in the first round. It usually takes 2-4 rounds for them all to be killed. In each round, one defending stack will be killed. Wherever possible, one of the clan superiors will act as a shield, by bringing more than the required number of troops, so that they take all the losses. This allows the rest of us to rack up points without getting our troops killed.
If no one is able to act as a shield, then the next strongest player usually ends up being the shield by default, since their health bonuses make their stacks larger than everyone else’s. Ideally we want to limit their losses to the higher level stacks (G7/S7) since they are far cheaper to revive and since bigger players can usually absorb the losses better. If we're playing 20M stacks and you have to revive 23k G4 archers, that's going to cost you a lot of gold compared to a much smaller stack of G8s with similar health points.
Can't we do more runs?
No. After a certain number of repeat runs, the game seems to get wise to what we're up to and starts reducing the amount of points earned. Ten runs per event seems to be the ideal number.
Where do I get more info?
If you have any questions, reach out to a Superior or ask in the clan chat.
Make sure you’re following the dedicated chat room as this is where we will be communicating during the event (type this in exactly, capitalisation is important):